Justice For Grace Schara

Grace, a 19-year-old girl with Down syndrome, was killed by the actions of unethical medical personnel at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital (Ascension) in Appleton, Wisc., after medical personnel administered three drugs that, when given together, are known to hasten severe hypoxia– morphine, Precedex, and Ativan over a period of 6 days.
Grace’s dad, Scott Schara, is working tirelessly to bring his daughter’s story to all corners of the world to help prevent anyone else from going through the pain of losing a loved one at the hands of medical personnel. More importantly, he hopes Grace’s story will stir people’s hearts to turn to the Lord – the only one who will protect them into eternity.

Scott and his wife, Cindy, Grace’s mother, had to watch Grace die on FaceTime because they were prevented from being with her in the hospital, and no doctor or nurse would help save her life because of an illegal Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order placed on Grace without family knowledge or consent. Grace died on Oct. 13, 2021.
On May 14th 2023 we covered this story and interviewed Scott explaining the traumatic event and what he and his family planned to do.
As of today he and his family had done exactly what he set out to do, raising awareness of these hospital killing fields and filing for:
1. Wrongful Death
2. Medical Negligence
3. Violation of Informed Consent
4. Battery
5. Declaratory Judgement

The Schara family has filed a first of its kind lawsuit against St. Elizabeth’s Hospital (Ascension), and doctors and nurses related to the wrongful death of Grace Schara. The first step in the process is a request for mediation with the Director of State Courts, which was filed on March 30 in Madison, Wisc.
The lawsuit was filed on April 11 in Outagamie County.
Grace’s legal case will lay the groundwork for other hospital victims where their right to informed consent was denied and the patient suffered injury and death.
Scott is the host of the recently launched podcast called “Deprogramming with Grace’s Dad,” where he discusses, with guests, the various ways we’ve all been programmed to believe narratives.
Scott is the president of Our Amazing Grace’s Light Shines On, Inc., a nonprofit 501(c)(3) established to help people with disabilities the opportunity to use their talents and spread the light that Christ has intentionally placed within their hearts. The foundation is also focused on educating people on the dangers of incentivized health care.

Karen Kingston has been following this story with The Kingston Report very closely and points out on The Stew Peters Show - “What makes this case so different then any other malpractice case in history is that the battery is not covered under medical malpractice laws or insurance.”Karen has been writing about this on her Substack with:
”Intention Matters in Cases of Medical Murder”Thank you Karen for bringing light to The Schara Family
